Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Free Divider Myspace Graphics

Divider Graphics

~ Plagiarism ~

One should in all honesty have no problem citing their sources when they use them. Ethics in the world of academia is the big issue I feel that determines whether one cites, or not. If the ideas are your own, not citing is fine for such things a personal poetry and so forth. Nevertheless, for writing that requires research, the writer should always give credit, where credit is due. Any good writer should not fear citing. If one does their research and writing well, there should be room to share the glory with the person or persons that was your inspiration for the words you wrote.

I do not think I would be overly happy if someone used my writings as his or her own. I tend to work hard, and put way more thought into my writing than I probably should. However, I would feel slighted if credit at some point was not given for all my hard work. I love to write, and to steal my passion is just wrong. I love to write, and to steal my passion is just wrong. How hard is it to just say look, and share the work of others by citing the source. Citing does not mean one is stupid or incompetent; it shows respect to the writings creator. That is how I view citing. I have seen others use writing that is not their own, taking full credit as if it were. I have been gentle in my approach to try and educate others on the term of plagiarism when and where I see it. If they do not correct it, I no longer deal with them. If I were ever, to see it in a school situation, have no doubt, I would report it. It's that simple, as again, it all comes back down to the ethics of the world of academia. LOL... Now I did not go and re-read the study book, (it has been two or more terms sense I viewed that section) therefore, if I am saying anything similar to the book please feel free to let me know. Although, I will cite my reference in the end, for as stated, I had to learn it all somewhere. : )

I feel the internet can cause problems when it comes to the legal issue of plagiarism. Again, how hard is it to give credit where credit is due? In the end, it all boils down to one's own personal ethics in writing. To use the work of another without citing, no matter where one obtains the information, just shows a lack of creativity, self esteem, and disrespect.

Kara NanDam, Ph.D. & Noah Tysick, M. A.. (2008). The KU Handbook for Writers. (2nd Ed.) USA: Kaplan University.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

"Ideas about being part of a larger writing community"

Well, first off my idea of being a part of a larger writing community simply put, it's scary.

I am not unaccustomed to blogging, it is just that blogging here is so much more open and out there.

Then there are the questions; what do I want to share? What am I willing to share? Does anyone care to read my drivel? lol... Will I possibly offend someone? How much is to much? And the questions just keep on going.

But on the up side, I do see it as a new way to be creative with practice over time. It is also a great way for me, and my fellow students to learn to interact with a writing community as a whole through feedback and support.

Now to mix it up a bit. No, California has not floated away. Yet! Loving the rain, but for my tiny lil house. A 60LB Pitbul mix getting playful inside with me is not fun. I don't like walls. I taught the beast (Sheba) not to bite on command, but that doesn't exclude body slamming. hehe... I must get a bigger home if it rains like this next winter. : )

May you all have a day full of sunshine, as it is in you even on cloudy days.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I had to share this one!

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Friday, January 15, 2010

I picked one just for you... - The only place for Myspace icons, Orkut avatars, and profile codes
Orkut Icons

Well today started late, shut my alarm off. lol... But the up side is I finally got my post for the discussion board finish.

I guess I should do like the others and tell a bit about me. To start my name is Deborah.

I Live in a fairly nice part of So. Cal. called Riverside. The only reason I do not mind it here so much, is that even though So. Cal. is mainly desert, I live in a fairly green area. I am a proud mother of three and of one grandson. Slightly ironic as I never wanted to have children. : ) But, from that first tiny flutter of movement within, I was in love. ♥

I enjoy sewing, gardening, reading, crocheting, swimming, animals of all sorts, and the list goes on... I am a creative soul I guess one could say. I could not function if I did not have some form of creative outlet. It looks I will be adding blogging to my creative list as well. Although, I am not sure how much time I will have to get to creative here with school, everyday life, and such. Add everything up and I tend to find myself walking a tight rope with little sleep. : )

Well I am going to close by wishing one and all a beautiful day, may it be full of love and joy.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Awesome seminar ~ Integrating Sources

Just had to share as I just finished with the Integrating Sources seminar, and I must say you all missed an awesome chance to learn some great information. I cannot wait till tomorrow’s seminars for Creating Strong Body Paragraphs and Crafting an Effective Persuasive Thesis.

Test driving my blog and my fingers are crossed.

Well this is my 3rd attempt at this blog thing. I am not use to blogging on this site so here goes nothing.

I just want to say hello to everyone, and wish you all a beautiful day.

This morning is a wonderful morning, as I awoke to the pitter patter of rain on my air conditioner. How can that be wonderful you ask? Well considering we see very little rain here in this part of California it is a blessing. So my day is off to a good start as I took my morning coffee outside to feed Fluffers (my outside cat) and enjoyed the view and smells.

May you have an enjoyable start to your day...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

A little something for my classmates...

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures